Tools for composite and sheet metal forming
Fabricating specialized tools for small-batch manufacturing could easily ruin the feasibility or schedule of a project. Complex geometries of molds, forming tools, specialized drilling jigs can be printed in one go, reducing the required lead times of the finished products.
On-demand manufacturing -
MOQ of 1
Reduced lead time
- down to hours
Reduced weight
and parts count
Easy customization
– minimal additional costs
0 waste manufacturing -
no leftovers
Custom, high-complexity tools are not always feasible for small batch production
3D-printed tools are an economical alternative to tools traditionally made from materials such as stainless steel
Creating custom tools takes time and can increase lead time to start manufacturing components
Tools can be printed on-site where needed and when needed and adjusted quickly as needed
Missing specialized tools such as drilling jigs can leads to higher rates of user error
Tools with guide holes can be quickly manufactured for price drilling operations
Technical details
Tool working temperature: up to 180 Celsius
Lead time/unit: 3-7 days
Materials: Ultem 9085 or Ultem 1010
Surface finish: Raw, sanded, polished
Backup your parts with EMEA's largest small-batch manufacturer
Minimum order quantity: 1
60+ FDM printers in manufacturing network
Multiple locations offer next-door service
Short turnarounds – down to hours